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Rap Label Houston

Z-Ro - 1 Deep : Slowed Featuring / Guest Appearances by: H. Presidential Playas - Block Party Block Party album by Presidential Playas was released Dec 05, 2000 on the Presidential label. Presidential Records Presents - A Bad Azz Mix Tape IV - Slowed Bad Azz Mix Tape, Vol.

Urban Music Label

This is an example of the Southern Rap "Screwed" mix style. 3-2 - A Bad Azz Mixtape V Bad Azz Mix Tape V album by Mr 3-2 was released Jul 26, 2005 on the Presidential label. 4 album was released Jan 18, 2005 on the Presidential label.


Here at Presidential Records, we are proud to be at the forefront of the Southern Rap music scene, embodying the true essence of sosouth. With a rich history of producing top-tier albums and showcasing talented artists, we have established ourselves as a powerhouse in the industry. Our distinctive style of mixing and production, exemplified in hit albums like "Screwed Up Click Representa" by Z-Ro, has garnered a dedicated fan base over the years. We are not just a record label but a platform for aspiring artists as well, consistently introducing new talents to the music scene. With a focus on authenticity, creativity, and a deep-rooted connection to the rap culture of Houston, we continue to push boundaries and set new standards in the Southern Rap genre. For those looking to explore the world of Southern Rap and experience the raw energy and storytelling that defines the genre, Presidential Records is the destination of choice. Join us in experiencing the sound of the South, where every album tells a unique story and every artist leaves a lasting impression.

Z Ro Albums

Presidential Playas - Block Party Block Party album by Presidential Playas was released Dec 05, 2000 on the Presidential label. Presidential Records Presents - A Bad Azz Mix Tape IV Bad Azz Mix Tape, Vol. Section Navigation Home New Artists Shop Events Contact Us Videos.

Presidential Records

- Still Wreckin Buy On Itunes>>. A Bad Azz Mix Tape II Bad Azz Mix Tape, Vol. Of The Presidential Pla - Straight Out Da Bottle : Chopped Screwed Straight out Da Bottle album by GIN Of the Presidential was released Sep 04, 2001 on the Presidential label.

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